The Vision

Through the vision of the Epiphany Group, which is rooted in Ignatian spirituality, people are helped to discover their identity in Christ and to live it more fully in the faith community that nurtures them, and out in the world.



At the core of Ignatian spirituality is contemplative practice, by which we mean a way of living and being present in our daily life that is prayerful, reflective and discerning; a way of being that draws us to live out our true self in freedom.


The Purpose

The purpose of the Epiphany Group is to give mutual support and encouragement, and to foster community among practitioners working from the living tradition of Ignatian spirituality, in order that ministries arising from the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises may flourish in Scotland and beyond.

The aim of the Epiphany Group is to be a discerning group of women and men working ecumenically across Scotland; committed in our Ignatian work to being a force for transformation.

group of people in sitting circle


Members of the Epiphany Group

• have completed the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in a recognised manner;
• have completed recognised training in spiritual direction;
• practice as spiritual directors/companions working in a properly supervised manner or practice regularly as a guide on Retreats in Daily Life (RDLs), Individually Guided Retreats (IGRs) or Quiet Days – with supervision appropriate to each form of ministry;
• abide by the Epiphany Group Code of Practice, holding ourselves
accountable for standards of practice beneficial to those with whom we work

Currently, there are 70  Epiphany Group members  working throughout Scotland and  4 Honorary Members.