fieldThe following course/s and retreats  are not  Epiphany Group (EG)  run by   the EG  but EG members may be  involved in offering them as supportive to the Ignatian ministry of Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment.

Alternatively EG members may be involved in collaborating with these events below which are being   being offered elsewhere.




Photo from noah-silliman-gzhyKEo_cbU-unsplash


Contemplative Retreats in the Way of Franz Jalics SJ    
also known as the
Gries Path of Prayer

Oasis of Silence

St. Hilda´s Priory Whitby YO21 3SL


Download more information 


St Augustine’s Priory

House of Prayer, Cliff Rd, Old Colwyn.LL29 9RW

The Team, experienced in facilitating this particular Contemplative Way of Praying and Living, is offering the following Contemplative Retreats 

St. Augustine’s Priory, House of Prayer, N .Wales 

  • 12 th – 21 st August 2024
    14 th – 23 rd October 2024
  • For further information and for an Application Form, contact: Email the Administrator, St Augustine’s Priory.

    House of Prayer, Old Colwyn. LL29 9RW at: or Telephone:01492 514223



Come be with me 

A midweek retreat

for those familiar with the Gries Path 

Tuesday 10th—Friday 13th Sept 2024

Nunraw (Sancta Maria) Abbey

Garvald, Haddington, East Lothian


Download for more information >>>

Download application form>>>



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Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Glasgow


The  Ignatian Spirituality Centre in  Glasgow runs training courses  with very similar content to the Epiphany Group , as well as other  CPD and retreat  events for those trained in spiritual accompaniment.





St Beuno’s Courses & Retreats


St Bede’s Pastoral Centre >>>

21 Blossom Street


YO24 1AQ